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2020-08-28 13:08:02 来源:外汇网特约 作者:吴辉
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  但事实情况并没有这么简单,点进联储新公开的Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy(长期目标与货币政策策略声明)如下图:



  此外,美联储对就业目标的论述也做出了一些奇怪的修改,首先是增加了broad-based and inclusive goal,配合BLM的大背景与联储内部对族裔就业的研究,意味着就业目标不再单单关注总量指标,还要做到关注广义的,泛族裔的结构性目标。 


  In addition, our revised statement says that our policy decision will be informed by our "assessments of the shortfalls of employment from its maximum level" rather than by "deviations from its maximum level" as in our previous statement.24 This change may appear subtle, but it reflects our view that a robust job market can be sustained without causing an outbreak of inflation.


  Italics added for emphasis. The 2012 statement noted that the Committee would mitigate "deviations" of employment from the Committee‘s assessments of its maximum level, suggesting that the Committee would actively seek to lower employment if it assessed that employment was above the Committee‘s estimate of its maximum level. In practice, the Committee has not conducted policy in this way, but rather has supported continued gains in the labor market. 






  To illustrate this puzzle, figure 5 plots changes in the unemployment rate against real GDP growth--a simple portrayal of the relationship known as Okun‘s law. It is evident from the figure that 2011 is something of an outlier, with the drop in the unemployment rate last year much larger than would seem consistent with real GDP growth below 2 percent. One possibility, highlighted by Chairman Bernanke in a recent speech, is that last year‘s decline in unemployment represents a catch-up from the especially large job losses during late 2008 and 2009.7 According to this hypothesis, employers slashed employment especially sharply during the recession, perhaps out of concern that the contraction could become even more severe; in particular, the figure shows that in 2009, the unemployment rate rose by considerably more than the decline in GDP would have suggested. Then, last year, employers may have become confident enough in the recovery to increase hiring and relieve the unsustainable strain that the earlier cutbacks had placed on their workforces. I think the evidence is consistent with this hypothesis, and I have incorporated it into my own modal forecast.


  If last year‘s Okun‘s law puzzle was largely the result of such a catch-up in hiring, I would expect progress on the unemployment front to diminish unless the pace of GDP growth picks up. After all, catch-up can go on for only so long. Of course, there are other conceivable explanations for this puzzle, including some that would point to a faster decline in unemployment in coming years. For example, GDP could have risen more rapidly over the past year than current data indicate. It will be important to pay close attention to indicators of both the labor market and GDP to try to gauge the likely pace of improvement in economic activity going forward and, hence, the appropriate stance of monetary policy over time.


  放到当前的环境下,联储强调通胀可以超调且就业市场可以过热且需要广泛的改善,那么你可以据此倒推——为实现短期超过2%的通胀需要就业市场也同时超调——为实现就业市场的大幅改善需要实际GDP的大幅改善——实质是一个名义GDP目标,同时联储相信过热的就业未必会转化为通胀失控。 返回外汇网首页,查看更多>>



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