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来源:和讯网   作者:陈世渊 欧乐鹰   2015-08-06 13:56:26
  中国国务院在7月末暗示,进一步扩大人民币汇率浮动区间可能是支撑出口一揽子措施的一部分。单这项措施不会提振海外销售,除非该措施还伴随着人民币走弱。彭博的投资组合流动分析显示,人民币贬值会带来利弊难以权衡的处境,因为人民币走弱虽然可能促进出口,但也会带来资本外逃风险。国际货币基金组织(IMF) 即将决定是否将人民币纳入特别提款权 (SDR) 一篮子货币,增加了人民币维持稳定的压力。





  由于中国渴望人民币(6.2098,0.0001,0.00%)被纳入IMF的SDR货币篮子,加深了人民币(6.2098,0.0001,0.00%)汇率的两难困境。SDR篮子货币是储备货币地位的象征。IMF 8月初公布的一份详细报告读上去模棱两可。该报告表明仍对人民币(6.2098,0.0001,0.00%)“可自由使用的”——纳入SDR篮子货币的一个前提条件——存有疑问,并且提议SDR货币篮子调整可以从2016年1月份推后至9月份。



  INSIGHT: Capital Flight Risk, SDR Ambitions Favor Yuan Stability

  Fielding Chen and Tom Orlik, BLOOMBERG ECONOMIST

  China's State Council suggested at the end of July that a further widening of the yuan trading band could be part of a package of measures to support exports. In itself that would do nothing to boost overseas sales unless it's accompanied by a weakening of the currency. Our analysis of portfolio flows suggests depreciation presents a difficult trade-off, with a weaker yuan likely to lift exports only at the risk of capital flight. The International Monetary Fund's impending decision on including the yuan in its SDR reserve currency basket adds to the pressure for stability.

  Real Effective Exchange Rate and Exports

  The impact of the yuan's strength on exports is clear. In 2005, when China broke the yuan’s peg to the dollar and began the process of appreciation, export growth was about 30 percent year on year. Now it is close to zero. Our model-based estimation shows that a 1 percent drop in the yuan's real effective exchange rate would mean 1 percent more export growth three months later, all other things being equal. A 10 percent real effective depreciation of the yuan would take exports back to double-digit expansion.

  Capital Flows and the Yuan

  To analyze the relationship between the exchange rate and capital flows, we used a monthly estimate of portfolio flows based on banks’ FX purchases. Our analysis shows that a 10 percent drop in the yuan against the dollar could trigger $437 billion in capital outflows -- equivalent to 4 percent of GDP.

  While the causality between the exchange rate and capital flows is less clear cut, the potential magnitude of capital flight is significant.

  China's exchange rate dilemma is deepened by its aspiration for yuan inclusion in the IMF's Special Drawing Right currency basket -- a symbol of reserve currency status. A detailed report from the IMF, published at the start of August, sounded an equivocal note. The report suggests the yuan's status as "freely usable" -- a pre-requisite for SDR inclusion -- remains in question and proposes that any shift in the SDR basket could be pushed back from January to September 2016.

  SDR status for the yuan is a "nice to have," not a "must have," so we don't think the IMF review is as important a driver of exchange rate policy as concerns about exports and capital flight are. That said, the IMF review also argues for stability.

  A pronounced depreciation of the yuan would discourage international investors from holding China's currency -- a move away from meeting the IMF's freely usable criteria. With the Fund recently dropping its characterization of the yuan as undervalued, it would also be bad politics.

  The goldilocks scenario for China is stability against a weaker dollar allowing the yuan to fall against a basket of currencies. Unfortunately for China, as the Federal Reserve moves toward a first rate hike, pressure for a stronger dollar is set to increase. That leaves China facing an unpalatable choice -- keep the yuan strong and sacrifice exports or allow it to fall and risk financial stability and reserve currency status. We believe they will continue to choose the former.


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