Today's Economic Calendar |
23:30 |
CPI (Nation), CPI ex-food (Nation) |
Japan Core CPI (on year) |
1.4 |
Japan Overall CPI (on year) |
Japan Overall CPI (on month) |
23:30 |
CPI (Tokyo), CPI ex-Food (Tokyo) |
Tokyo Overall CPI (on year) |
Tokyo Core CPI (on year) |
2.8 |
Tokyo Overall CPI (on month) |
01:00 |
External Trade Performance |
Electronics Imports Yrly % Chg |
YTD Last Year |
Electronics Imports |
Imports |
Imports % Chg on Year |
Trade Balance YTD |
Imports YTD % Change |
Same Month Last Year |
Trade Balance |
Imports YTD |
03:00 |
Quarterly Investment Data - Foreign and Domestic Investment Realization Results |
FDI, Y/Y |
04:30 |
All Industry Index |
05:00 |
Industrial Production Index |
Industrial Production, Y/Y |
07:00 |
Retail Sales Index |
07:00 |
Central Government Finance & Debt |
07:00 |
Production Index |
07:00 |
PPI, Y/Y |
PPI, M/M |
07:00 |
Employment & unemployment |
Jobless Rate |
07:30 |
Weekly International Reserves |
Reserves, USD |
08:00 |
Fipe 4-Week CPI |
FIPE on 4-week period |
08:20 |
Money Supply |
M2, Y/Y |
08:30 |
DECC deadline for latest round of licences to drill for North Sea oil and gas |
08:30 |
Retail Sales |
08:30 |
BBA main high street banking groups statistics |
Mortgage Approvals |
Gross Mortgage Lending, GBP |
Net Mortgage Lending, GBP |
08:30 |
Business Expectations - Quarterly Business Tendency Survey |
08:30 |
UK monthly retail sales figures |
Retail Sales Yearly |
4.1 |
Retail Sales Monthly |
-0.1 |
09:00 |
External Trade (provisional data) |
09:00 |
Trade |
09:30 |
Bank of Russia Board of Directors meeting on monetary policy issues |
11:30 |
Weekly foreign exchange reserves |
Reserves, USD |
12:30 |
Advance GDP by Industry |
13:00 |
US Flash Services PMI |
13:00 |
Business Confidence Survey |
Business Confidence |
-4.2 |
13:30 |
Balance of Payments |
Current Account Balance |
13:55 |
Thomson Reuters / University of Michigan Survey of Consumers - final |
5-Year Inflation Forecast |
Value (Current Period) End Month |
12-Month Inflation Forecast |
Expectations Index End Month |
Sentiment Index End month |
83 |
14:00 |
Banco de Mexico monetary policy decision announcement |
Overnight Rate |
Bps Change |
16:00 |
Claimant count and job advertisements collected by Pole emploi |
Unemployed Monthly % Chg |
Unemployed |
18:00 |
Bank of Canada Weekly Financial Statistics |
19:00 |
Industrial Capacity Utilization |
19:00 |
Trade |
Trade Balance |
19:00 |
Advance Industrial Activity |
Industrial Production, Y/Y |